The Inner Peace For Japan Project
The details and schedule of the Inner Peace for Japan project. This is to dedicate merit to the dead people from earthquakes and Tsunami in Japan.
The 7th 1,000,000 Upasika Kaew Mass Training Project
The 7th 1,000,000 Upasika Kaew Mass Training Project. What is upasika? How important is she? What is her role in Buddhism? And why does Dhammakaya Temple arrange this project?
The Photo Collection of the Morning Alms Offering to 30,000 Monks on March 25th, 2012
The Photo Collection of the Morning Alms Offering to 30,000 Monks on March 25th, 2012.
Ladluang Municipality
Ladluang Municipality arranged the mediation program.
Buddha’s sacred remains go North
Our Mind Can Change the World
Good day ladies and gentlemen. I’m so proud to present the topic “ Our mind can change the world ” to you today. Let’s see how our mind relates to the world.
The Photo Collection of the Morning Alms Round on March 11th, 2012
The Photo Collection of the Morning Alms Offering to 12,600 Monks on March 11th, 2012 at Kaset - Ratchayothin Junction
Temples to have CCTV
Change the World :- Rajabhat Yala University performed the Kathina Ceremony
The First Kathina Ceremoy of a temple in an unrest Southern province in Thailand.
The Middle Way was broadcasted on Thai TV Channel 3
A program of Thai TV Channel 3 shot and broadcasted a scoop of the Middle Way Project.